Kamis, 22 Desember 2011


unique concept GUNDAM ever,, its story from 3 generation.So if we count that 1 generation is 50 year then the time line in this GUNDAM must be at last 100 year. but the rumour its only 50 episode. Well it's must 16 episode for each generation.

This Gundam happen in A.G. 101 (the 101st year of the Advanced Generation calendar).

So.. some of Unknown Enemy (ada yang bilang mereka Alien..) Attack Nora, but Before that, they attack Orvan colony and kill Asumo Family. that day remember as THE DAY ANGEL FALL.  umm until this day episode 11 (right now 22 Des 2011), we just know that demon boy.. which help by Flirt (the main character in this 1st generation era) at episode 7 if  not wrong. he have relation with EU.
if they are human same as Asumo and  other... so they tray to looking for trouble to their great-grandfather... but as usually in Gundam seris there is no villain... is depend how you look the story and why they attack each other so... still we don't know yet....

the question is if they also human why they attack their great-grandfather. ???
because EU come from future for force human to create better technology for face the real enemy???
why they don't just tell their great-grandfather about the real enemy is??

why don't just combine the technology??

fuhhh...... there a lot of problem ... start from triangle love until time split...
its hard to explain but...

Baru kali ini ada Seri gundam yang bercerita langsung hajar bleh 3 generasi.

jadi coba bayangkan kalo cucu cucunya cucu kamu membunuh ibu kamu supaya kamu termotifasi untuk membuat teknologi yang bisa menyaingi musuhnya cucu cucunya cucu kamu...
kemudian cucu cucunya cucu kamu mengiri cewe yang sudah di modifikasi gennya. dan kamu jatuh cinta kepada cewe yang dikirim cucu cucunya cucu kamu....

masalahnya.... seharusnya kamu engak nikah sama dia tapi sama cewe lain..

singkatnya ada EU yang dari masa depan bahkan ada yang masih bilang alien (masih konspirasi) jika mereka manusia maka mereka mencari masalah dengan nenekmoyang mereka dan menyerang mereka dengan tujuan nenek  moyang mereka mengembangkan teknologi untuk menghadapi musuh yang sebenernya...
hmm....cara yang aneh...
maksudku gampang kan gaungin teknologi kemudian bilang ke kakek buyut mereka kalo musuhnya itu seperti ini bla bla bla....
satu satunya clue demon boy itu ada hubungannya sama EU.. nonton episode 7....

nonton aja dulu masih 11 eposode masih bisa di kejer...
Penilaian saya...
Story = 9,0
Graphic = 8,0
Music = 7,5

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